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Product Description
Tothyo o Jogajog Projuktir Dharona Abridged Edition B Ed 4th Semester Rita Publication 2024
Unit I: Digital Technology and Socio-economic Context:
Concepts of information and communication technology; Universal access Vs Digital Divide – issues and initiatives;
Challenges of Integration of ICT in School; Aims and objectives of National Policy on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in School Education in India; IT@ School Project;
Components and Objectives of National Mission on Education through ICT (NMEICT), Spoken Tutorials, Gyan Darshan, Gyanvani, Sakshat Portal, e Gyan Kosh; Virtual laboratory and Haptic technology.
Unit II: MS Office:
MS Word
MS Power Point
MS Excel
MS Access
MS Publishing
Unit III: Internet and Educational Resources:
Introduction to Internet
E-mail, Search Engines, Info-Savvy Skills; Digital Age Skills, safe surfing mode;
Internet resources for different disciplines like natural sciences, social sciences, Humanities and Mathematics.
General Introduction to E-learning, Mobile-learning, distance learning, On-line learning,
Virtual University, Wikipedia, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs);