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The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
The Alchemist is a book written by a Brazilian-born author Paulo Coelho. The book was originally written in Portuguese and it was originally published in 1988, but by October 2009, the book was translated into sixty-seven languages. The Alchemist is considered to be multi-language, international bestseller and according to AFP, the book itself was sold in over sixty-five million copies on fifty-six languages all over the world. This puts The Alchemist in Guinness World Record as the most translated book by a living author. The story of the book follows Andalusian shepherd named Santiago. After his reoccurring dream, he travels to Egypt to find a long lost treasure there. In his dream, he dreams that he needs to go to Egypt, because there is supposed to be long lost treasure somewhere in Egypt. On his trip there, he meets a woman, a fortune-teller, which tells to him that there indeed is a long lost treasure in Egypt, but in order for him to find a treasure, he needs to go to the pyramids and this is when Santiago’s adventures truly begin. As a best-selling book, translated into novel even more than sixty-seven languages worldwide, The Alchemist is a high quality book, with many interesting adventures that follow Santiago on his journey of claiming the lost treasure. Here Is A Preview Of What You Will Get: In The Alchemist , you will get a detailed summary of the novel In The Alchemist , you will find some analysis to strengthen your knowledge about the book In The Alchemist , you will get some fun multiple choice quizes, along with answers to help you learn about the novel. Get a copy, and learn everything about The Alchemist .