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Sorbosomabisto Bidyalay Siksha B.Ed Semester IV Aaheli Publisher 2023-24
Unit I: Introduction to inclusive Education:
Concept & history of special education, integrated education and inclusive Education & their relation.
Philosophical, Sociological, Economical & Humanitarian dimensions of inclusive education.
Advantages of inclusive education for the individual and society.
Factors affecting inclusion.
Unit II: Legal and policy perspectives:
Important international declarations / conventions / proclamations- BMF(1993-2012), recommendations of the Salamanca Statement and Framework of Action (1994), UNCRPD (2006).
National initiatives for inclusive education. National Policy on Education (1968,1986), Education in the National Policy on Disability (2006), RTE Act (2009).
Special role of institutions for the education of children with disabilities—RCI, National Institute of Different Disabilities.
Unit III: Defining learners with special needs:
Understanding differently abled learners—concepts, definitions, characteristics, classification, causes and preventive measures of V.I, H.I, SLD, LI.
Preparation for inclusive education—School’s readiness for addressing learner with diverse needs.
Assessment of children with diverse needs (MDPS, BASIC-MR, FACP, VSMS, DDST, UPANAYAN and related others) to know their profile and to develop individualized Education Programme (IEP/ITP)
Identification and overcoming barriers for educational and social inclusion
Unit IV: Inclusion in operation:
Classroom management and organizations, curricular adaptations, learning designing and development of suitable TLM.
Pedagogical strategies to respond to individual needs of students: Co-operative learning strategies in the class room, peer tutoring, social learning, buddy system, reflective teaching, multisensory teaching etc.
Technological Advancement and its applications—ICT, Adaptive and Assistive devices, equipments, aids and appliances.
Unit V: Teacher preparation for inclusive school:
Problems in inclusion in the real classroom situations; ways for overcoming the problems in inclusions
Review of existing educational programmes offered in secondary school (General and Special School)
Skills and competencies of teachers and teacher educators for secondary education in inclusive settings
Teacher preparation for inclusive education in the light of NCF, 2005 and NCFTE, 2009