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Product Description
Santra Paribyay O Parichalan Hisabrakshan I
Paribyay O Parichalan Hisabrakshan - I (Cost and Management Accounting –I) is a Bengali version book designed for the B.Com Honours students enrolled within the UGC-CBCS pattern. It covers the CU and BU Semester-II syllabuses and SKBU and Bankura University Semester-III syllabuses. The book includes 12 chapters from the fundamentals of cost and management accounting to its more serious concepts. Each chapter includes numerous illustrations (solved problems for reference) ranging from the short, simple ones to the long, complex ones, to benefit students in both university and professional examinations. Separate segments for theoretical and practical questions following the marks division are provided for practice. Answers/ Hints are available at the end of each chapter. The latest edition of this book will help the B.Com students of respective universities immensely.