Quantitative Techniques In Management By J.K. Sharma (Laxmi Publications) 2020
This book is an introductory text for both undergraduate and postgraduate courses on Quantitative Methods, Operations Research, Management Science, and other similar courses. The book seeks to develop in students an understanding of model building, solution procedure and the process of analyzing results obtained either by manual methods or by using a computer software.
The main features of the book are as follows:
1. Emphasizes the managerial perspective and the important role that Quantitative Techniques play in effective managerial decision-making.
2. Explanations are richly illustrated with numerous interesting and varied solved examples to provide a more meaningful and easier learning experience.
3. Management Case included in most chapters illustrates an innovative application of the techniques for solving real-life business problems.
4. Each chapter contains a Chapter Concepts Quiz, which helps students reinforce their understanding of the principles and applications of the techniques.
5. Review Questions and Self Practice Problems in each chapter will help readers in self-evaluation.
6. Hints and Answers to Self Practice Problems enable readers to learn at their own pace.
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