This book is desined especially for the students of Maharshi Dayanand University (MDU) and Kurukshetra University. The objective of this book is not only to train the students in such a manner that they acquire good style of draftsmanship but also to give them the basic knowledge of the treatment of simple to complex problems in design and drawing by geometrical methods and to develop in him an orderly imagination so essential to all concerned with practical constructive work.
The main features of the book are as follows:
1. Presented in a simple, understandable and compact form. To be in line with I.S.O., First Angle Projection has been followed in this book. However, few problems on third angle projection have also been included in it.
2. Latest B.I.S. conventions and developments in the subject, as laid out in the IS: 696-1972. SP: 46-1988 which are to be followed by schools and colleges in the teaching of Engineering Graphics and Drawing, have been generally followed.
1. Introduction and Drawing Instruments
2. Layout of Drawing Sheet
3. Conventions
4. Lettering
5. Dimensioning
6. Theory of Projection and Orthographic Projection
7. Projection of Points
8. Projections and Traces of Straight Lines
9. Projections of Planes
10. Projections of Solids
11. Sections of Solids
12. Isometric Projections
13. Development of Surfaces
14. Computer Aided Drafting
15. Machine Components – Screw Threads
16. Machine Components – Nuts and Bolts
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