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Prathomik Sikshak Sikshay Sikshamulok Charcha 2nd year Rita Publication 2022
Unit-1: Philosophical understanding of Education
Understanding the basic assumptions about Human nature, Society, Learning and aims of Education
Relationship between Schooling and Education and exploring various educative process in Human Societies.
Unit-2: Factors of Education
Factors of Education—teacher, Learner, Curriculum, School
Child centric education and its importance
Learners in context : situating learner in the Socio-political and cultural context
Unit-3: Learning, Learner and Teaching
Learning—Concept and nature
Learning—Knowledge and skills
Different ways of learning
Meaning of teaching and its relationship with learning and learner
Unit-4: Knowledge and Curriculum
Child’s construction of knowledge: attaining knowledge through activity and experience
Definition of Curriculum and types of Curriculum.
Factors of curriculum
Purposes of Education, Needs and abilities of Education