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Prathamik Sikshak Sikshane Pathokrome Sikshanbigyan 2nd year Rita Publication 2023
Unit-1: Pedagogic Practice and Process of Learning
Concept of Pedagogy and Pedagogy across Curriculum—meaning, features, objectives
Critical understanding of the process of concept-formation
Constructivist approach in pedagogy across curriculum
Aspects of child-centric education and creation of non-intimidating environment for knowledge construction
Unit-2: Historical and Philosophical Perspectives of Pedagogy across Curriculum
Philosophical bases of pedagogy across curriculum
History of the development of pedagogy across curriculum
Constructivist approach and pedagogy across curriculum
Development of skills through pedagogy across curriculum—nature, principles, significance
Pedagogy across curriculum for inclusive education
Unit-3: Integrative Teaching in Pedagogy across curriculum
Concept of Integrated teaching-learning
Concept of interdisciplinary approach—difference with multi-disciplinary approach
Significance of interdisciplinary approach in integrated teaching at the elementary level
Socio-cultural aspects in pedagogy across curriculum
Unit-4: Knowledge and Methods of Enquiry
Concept of knowledge, information and their differences
Concept of Knowledge Construction—case examples from elementary school subjects
Methods of Enquiry, different types of thinking—scientific, mathematical, social, higher order thinking
Relation between knowledge ,curriculum, text books, learners and pedagogy
Basic tenets of enquiry based learning, contextualization, project based learning