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Pathokrom Adhyayon (MEd_2nd Sem) 2023
Unit-I: Meaning and Concept of Curriculum
Nature, Meaning, Concept, Forms (Types) of curriculum
Evolution and Functions of Curriculum as Product, Process and Programme
Curriculum: Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) vs. Planned Learning Experiences( PLEs)
Structures of Curriculum: Frameworks, Courses of Studies, Syllabus
Approaches to translate Curriculum: Behavioral, Systems, Intellectual, Humanistic, Re-conceptualist.
Indian Perspective with regard to Curriculum Policy and Schemes.
Unit-II: Foundations of Curriculum and Curriculum Planning
Philosophical, Sociological, Psychological, Linguistic and Historical foundations of Curriculum.
Curriculum Politics in India at national, state, region, religion, language, caste and class level
Levels of Curriculum Planning: National, State, System Wide, Institutional, Teacher-Team and Individual Teacher level
Principles of Curriculum Planning Improvement of Curriculum Planning A Review of NCF 2000 and 2005
Unit III: Curriculum Construction & Evaluation
Concept and principles of curriculum development
Processes of curriculum construction: Situational Analysis, Selection of curriculum objectives, Selection of content and learning activities, Organization of content and learning activities, Selection of instructional procedures/methods, Evaluation
Concept, Nature, Scope, Purpose and Approaches of Curriculum Evaluation