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Oswaal CBSE Class 10 English Language & Literature Question Bank 2024-25
It is very rightly said that if we teach today as we taught yesterday, then we rob our children of tomorrow. With this vision, CBSE, the national level board of education in India for public and private schools, has yet again updated and released its curriculum for the upcoming Academic Year. With all the refreshing changes and updates, the way ahead looks exciting for students and teachers alike! We at Oswaal Books, are also extremely upbeat about the recent changes. We have made every possible effort to incorporate all these changes in our QUESTION BANKS for the coming Academic Year. Oswaal Question Banks are available for all the important subjects like ENGLISH, MATHS, SCIENCE, HINDI, SOCIAL SCIENCE (SST), COMPUTER APPLICATIONs & SANSKRIT We at Oswaal Books never try to teach our readers. We on the other hand, provide them the conditions in which they can learn and train their mind to think! After all Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one learned in school. --This text refers to the paperback edition.