Objective General Knowledge 10000+ MCQs by Tarun Goyal

Objective General Knowledge 10000+ MCQs by Tarun Goyal

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Product Description

Objective General Knowledge 10000+ MCQs by Tarun Goyal 
Tarun Goyal Gk :- For UPSC Civil Services, PCS, State PCS Combined Defence Services (CDS), National Defence Academy (NDA), Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs), Special Class Railway Apprentices (SCRA), Indian Forest Services (IFS), Indian Economic Services (IES), Combined Engineering Services, Bank Probationary Officers (P.O./T.O./A.0.), L.I.C., G.L.C. (A.A.O.), R.B.I. Grade 'A' and 'B', other Administrative Officers Examinations, MBA, MCA, BCA, BBA entrance tests. Tarun Goyal Objective :- For UPSC Civil Services, PCS, State PCS Combined Defence Services (CDS), National Defence Academy (NDA), Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs), Special Class Railway Apprentices (SCRA), Indian Forest Services (IFS), Indian Economic Services (IES), Combined Engineering Services, Bank Probationary Officers (P.O./T.O./A.0.), L.I.C., G.L.C. (A.A.O.), R.B.I. Grade 'A' and 'B', other Administrative Officers Examinations, MBA, MCA, BCA, BBA entrance tests.

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