MISSION MCQ FOR SEMESTER-IV Honours and General AK Mukherjee

MISSION MCQ FOR SEMESTER-IV Honours and General AK Mukherjee

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Product Description

MISSION MCQ FOR SEMESTER-IV Honours and General AK Mukherjee 2022

Distinguish Features of this book includes the following: • A book on multiple choice types of questions on General Common Papers of Semester-IV along with non-MCQ questions on other papers as per CBCS syllabus declared by University of Calcutta. • This book is relevant for both honours and general category of students of Semester-IV • More than 2,000 multiple choice types of questions have been set both in Bengali and English versions for the benefits of students and teachers as well. • Many simple to tricky problems on Microeconomics-II and Indian Economy have been appended in this book. • A short theoretical discussion pertaining to the paper ‘Entrepreneurship Development & Business Ethics’’ has been carefully done. • Brief discussion about the provision of Income Tax Act 1961 pertaining to each unit of the paper ‘Taxation-I’ has been carefully done. • A good number of problems on Cost & Management Accounting-II & Taxation-I have also been appended herewith • Maintaining lucidity throughout in writing this book. • Gradation of questions of each unit pertaining to each paper are carefully done. • A vigorous effort has been made to make the book almost free from printing errors. • At the end of this book few model sets of questions have been annexed herewith. • Solution of previous year question papers of C.U and W.B.S.U have also been annexed herewith.

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They are very helpful and friendly, In my case courier partner experience was wrist, but shopmarg.com help me a lots, I will recommend everyone for going for shopmarg for purchasing books in online.

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