Mechanical Engineering 4400 MCQ 2023

Mechanical Engineering 4400 MCQ 2023

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₹450 ₹750 (40 % Off)
Manufacturer: Made Easy
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Product Description

Mechanical Engineering 4400 MCQ 2023

2023 for IES/GATE/PSUs by MADE EASY Publications is a combo book by a most preferred publication in the respected field. Made Easy itself defines the real standard for the preparation of GATE, ESE, and PSUs. Books by Made Easy is always been in trends for all the candidates, preparing for GATE, ESE, and PSUs. It’s point to point concept and question bank is most helpful for examination purpose. This Book is always helping the aspirants to score more.

In this book chapter, wise segregation has been done to align with contemporary competitive examination pattern. An attempt has been made to bring out all kind of probable competitive questions for the aspirants preparing for IES, GATE, PSU. The content of this book ensures threshold level of learning and a wide range of practice questions which is very much essential to boost the exam time confidence level and ultimately to succeed in all prestigious engineer’s examinations. It has been ensured from made easy team to have broad coverage of subjects at the chapter level.

The simple and understanding concept of Mechanical Engineering 4400 MCQ-2019 for IES/GATE/PSUs by MADE EASY Publications always try to provide better knowledge about the related topic. 

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