MCQ Engineering Mathematics II 2nd Semester Common For All Branch Gigatech Publishing House

MCQ Engineering Mathematics II 2nd Semester Common For All Branch Gigatech Publishing House

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Product Description

MCQ s Engineering Mathematics II 2nd Semester Common For All Branch (Gigatech Publishing House)

This Book Engineering Mathematics-II is intended to be a textbook for students of First Year Engineering. In most sciences, one generation years down what another has built and what one has established another undoes. In Engineering Mathematics-II, each generation adds a new story to the old structure. Keeping this in mind, this book is written to have a better introduction of the Engineering Mathematics-II. This book is presented with simple but exact explanation of subject matter, application of each topic to real life, engineering problems, large number of illustrative examples followed by well graded exercise. We have tried to be rigorous and precise in presenting the concepts in very simple manner. We hope that the students will not only learn some powerful concepts, but also will develop their ability to understand the concept and apply it properly to solve engineering problems. We feel that faculty member will also enjoy reading this book which is enriched with application of each topic.

Audience of the Book :
This book Useful for 2nd semester engneering students.

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