Marketing a Conceptual Framework by Dr. Shuvendu Dey and Dipak Saha

Marketing a Conceptual Framework by Dr. Shuvendu Dey and Dipak Saha

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Product Description

Marketing a Conceptual Framework by Dr. Shuvendu Dey and Dipak Saha

Marketing has become an indispensable discipline of modern management education. Marketing is an exciting subject to study. This book provides an introduction to the basic principles of marketing. This book has been divided into four chapters to provide holistic information and an in-depth understanding of the different aspects of marketing. The first chapter gives an introduction to the marketing management. The second chapter deals with the topics focusing on segmentation, targeting and positioning. The third chapter introduces the product and pricing decisions with suitable examples and case. The fourth chapter highlights the in-depth understanding of promotion mix with examples and case.


Marketing is more about a way of thinking and this book offers learning platform to the readers. This book has been drafted in a simple and self-explanatory style. Attempt has been made to narrate even the toughest ideas in a simple and easy-to-follow style. This book provides a comprehensive reading experience of different aspects of marketing.

        List of Contents
        1. Introduction to Marketing Management-1
        2. Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning-19
        3. Product and Pricing Decisions-33
        4. Promotion Mix-80

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