Making india awesome

Making india awesome

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₹135 ₹195 (31 % Off)
Manufacturer: Rupa
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Product Description

Making india awesome
Love your country? Want to make it truly great? Tired of loud debates and complex arguments which lead to no solutions? Welcome to Making India Awesome. Following the phenomenal success of his first nonfiction book, What Young India Wants, Chetan Bhagat, the country's biggestselling writer, returns with another book of essays in which he analyses and provides inspired solutions to the country's most intractable problems-poverty, unemployment, corruption, violence against women, communal violence, religious fundamentalism, illiteracy and more. Using simple language and concepts, this book will enable you to understand the most complex of problems facing the nation today and give practical solutions on how you can do your part to solve them.

  • Language: English
    Binding: Paperback
    Publisher: Rupa
    Genre: Social Science
    Pages: 192

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