“LLB 12 Solved Papers for 2023 exams” is designed with previous 13 years’ question papers.
Well detailed and authentic solutions for quick revision.
3 practice sets for self-assessment and exhaustive practice.
Highly useful for NLU, DU, IPU, BHU, Jamia Millia Islamia and other National Law Universities.
The newly revised edition of ‘LLB 13 Solved Papers for 2023 exams’ has been carefully designed with varied question pattern and according to the needs of the students. The book contains Previous 12 Years’ Solved Papers (2022-2010) with detailed and authentic explanations. 3 practice sets have been provided along with answer keys to help the students in self-assessment and exhaustive practice. Besides all these qualities, it has been formulated for all LLB entrance exams like NLU, NLSIU, RMNLU, MNLU, DU, IPU, BHU, Jamia Millia Islamia and other National & Regional Law Universities.