Fundamentals Of Engineering Drawing (SChand Publications)

Fundamentals Of Engineering Drawing (SChand Publications)

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Product Description

Fundamentals Of Engineering Drawing (SChand Publications) 2023

The new book Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing for polytechnics. For 1 yr polytechnic students of all states of India. In accordance with the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) SP :46-1988 and IS :696-1972. Simple and Lucid Language with systematic development of subject matter. More than 2000 illustrations were given with proper explanation. Numerous solved problems, questions for self-examination and problems for practice are also given. Three Model test papers are also given at the end for practice.

Audience of the Book :
This book Useful for Mechnical Engneering.
Table of Contents:

1.Introduction And Drawing Instruments

2. Layout Of Drawing Sheet

3. Conventions

4. Lettering

5. Dimensionless

6. Scales

7. Theory Of Projection And Orthographic Projection

8. Identification Of Surfaces

9. Missing Lines And Views

10. Sectional Views

11. Isometric Project

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