Engineering Physics Practicals by Dr B Srinivasa Rao Kesava Vamsi Krishna Laxmi Publications)

Engineering Physics Practicals by Dr B Srinivasa Rao Kesava Vamsi Krishna Laxmi Publications)

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Product Description

Engineering Physics Practicals by Dr. B. Srinivasa Rao,Kesava Vamsi Krishna V,K.S. Rudramamba (Laxmi Publications)

This book is designed to meet the course on Engineering Physics Practical of engineering curriculum for the First Year engineering students. Laboratory work is an important part of the process of learning physics where students apply their knowledge practically. As no textbook available on the market on Engineering Physics dealt with the experimental part in detail and so in the classroom lecture, the authors bring out this book.

The authors present this book in a very lucid style such that even a below average student can understand the concepts and procedures of the experiments without much strain and is motivated to learn the concepts and principles with more zeal and interest. This volume examines twenty six practicals with the details of their aim, apparatus required, principle, procedure, observation, result, discussion, etc.

Audience of the Book :
This book is designed to meet the course on Engineering Physics Practical of engineering curriculum for the First Year engineering students. 
Key Features:

Written in a student-friendly manner the book is enriched with the following features:

  • Twenty-six experiments covering the whole syllabus of Engineering Physics
  • Detail of applications of instruments related to the experiment
  • Detail theory of the principle of experiment
  • Viva voce questions on all the experiments
  • Precautions to be taken while conducting the experiment
  • Straight forward approach to illustrate the concepts of experiments

The book is mainly aimed for the First Year B.Tech. students of Jawahar Lal Nehru Technological University and all its affiliated colleges in Andhra Pradesh. The subject matter of the book is organized in such a way that all undergraduate engineering students of various other universities may also be benefitted.

Table of Contents:

1.Vernier Calipers

2.Screw Gauge


4.Coupled Oscillator

5.Volume Resonator

6.Sonometer Verification of Laws of Stretched Strings

7.Frequency of AC Supply

8.A.C. Sonometer - Electromagnet Method

9.Newton Rings

10.Parallel Fringes

11.Diffraction Grating

12.Dispersion of Light

13.Torsional Pendulum

14.Spectrometer - Determination of Cauchy's Constants

15.Lasers - Diffraction due to a Single Slit

16.Lasers - Diffraction due to a Double Slit

17.Numerical Aperture of Optical Fiber

18.Diffraction due to Single Slit (Sodium Light)

19.Diffraction due to Double Slit (Sodium Light)

20.Study of Losses in Optical Fibres

21.Meldes Experiment

22.Magnetic Field along the Axis of a Current Carrying Circular Coil - Stewart and Gee's Method

23.Energy Gap of Material of a pn Junction

24.Study of Time Constant for RC Circuit

25.The Series RLC Circuit

26.The Parallel RLC Circuit

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