This second edition of Engineering Physics-II book is designed strictly as per the new syllabus of UP Technical University. This book not only covers entire UPTU syllabus, but also gives complete information about the subject. The matter of the book is presented in such a simple and logistic manner that even a student belongs to poor background of subject can understand the subject easily.The chapters of this book cover the subject matters of Wave Mechanics, X-ray Diffraction, Dielectrics, Magnetic Properties of Materials, Electromagnetic, Superconductivity and Nanotechnology.
The main features of the book are as follows:
1. Each chapter starts with basic knowledge and covers all information to be provided to readers.
2. Topics are explained with knowledgeable examples and relevant numerical problems for better understanding.
3. Looking the present pattern of question paper of the University, a large number of multiple choice questions with answers are given at the end of each chapter.
Unit I : Wave Mechanics and X-ray Diffraction
1. Wave Mechanics
2. X-rays
Unit II : Dielectrics and Magnetic Properties of Materials
3. Dielectrics
4. Magnetic Properties of Materials
5. Ultrasonics
Unit III : Electromagnetics
6. Maxwell's Equations and Electromagnetic Waves
Unit IV : Superconductivity and Science and Technology of Nanomaterials
7. Superconductivity
8. Nanotechnology
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