Engineering Mechanics (Nirali Prakashan)

Engineering Mechanics (Nirali Prakashan)

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Product Description

Engineering Mechanics (Nirali Prakashan) 2023

We are glad and excited to announce that the Fourth Edition of this book received an overwhelming response from the engineering student community, compelling us to release its Fifth Edition within a very short period of time.

This thoroughly revised Fifth Edition (Enlarged Size) has been updated with additional matter, many solved problems, including solutions to all University Examination Problems and Numerous Exercises for practice. Special care has been taken to maintain high degree of accuracy in the theory and numericals throughout the book.

Audience of the Book :
This book Useful for all engineering branches 1st year students.
Table of Contents:

1. Coplanar Concurrent Force System

2. Coplanar Parallel, General Force System and Centroid

3. Kinematics of Rectilinear Motion of Particles

4. Kinetics of Particle of Rectilinear Motion

5. Kinematics of Curvilinear Motion

6. Kinetics of Curvilinear Motion of a Particle

7. Work-Energy Principle

8. Impulse-Momentum Principle

9. Equilibrium of Coplanar Force System

10. Force System in Space

11. Analysis of Structure : Plane Trusses, Cables, Plane Frames

12. Friction

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