Engineering Mechanics (MTU) By Dr. R.K. Bansal (Laxmi Publications)

Engineering Mechanics (MTU) By Dr. R.K. Bansal (Laxmi Publications)

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Product Description

Engineering Mechanics (MTU) By Dr. R.K. Bansal (Laxmi Publications)

The course contents of the first edition of the book entitled, 'Engineering Mechanics' are planned in such a way that the book covers the complete course of first year students of all disciplines of Mahamaya Technical University, Noida strictly as per the latest syllabus prescribed by Mahamaya Technical University, Noida.

The book is written in a simple and easy-to-follow language so that even an average student can grasp the subject by self-study. At the end of each chapter, highlights, theoretical questions and many unsolved problems with answers are given for the students to solve them.

Audience of the Book :
For BE/B.Tech. Ist YEAR Strictly as per the latest syllabus prescribed by Mahamaya Technical University, Noida

Table of Contents:


1. Two-Dimensional Concurrent Force Systems


2. Two Dimensional Non-Concurrent Force Systems

3. Friction

4. Truss (or Frames)


5. Centroid and Moment of Inertia


6. Kinematics of Rigid Bodies


7. Kinetics of Rigid Bodies

8. Virtual Work Objective Type Questions Additional Questions

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