Engineering Graphics (Vikas Publishing)

Engineering Graphics (Vikas Publishing)

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Product Description

Engineering Graphics (Vikas Publishing)

Engineering Graphics has been specifically designed and written to meet the requirements of the first year engineering students of GTU affiliated colleges. The study of engineering graphics builds the foundations of analytical capabilities for solving a wide variety of engineering problems and contains real-time applications. Student-friendly, lucid and comprehensive, this book adopts step-by-step instructions to explain and solve problems. With all the drawings prepared using AutoCAD software, this book would be a perfect reference for all engineering students.

Audience of the Book :
This book Useful for Mechnical Students.
Key Features:
  • Simplified diagrams to explain problems
  • Contains logical sequence of examples for easy learning
  • Previous years university questions included
  • Complete coverage of the syllabus
  • Plenty of solved examples based on JNTU Hyderabad Exam pattern
Table of Contents:

1. Introduction to Engineering Graphics

2. Projections of Points

3. Projections of Straight Lines

4. Projections of Planes

5. Auxiliary Projections

6. Projections of Solids

7. Section of Soilds

8. Orthographic Projections

9. Isometric Projection

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