It is indeed a great pleasure and proud privilege for the authors to present this book on the subject "Engineering Graphics" for First Year Diploma of Engineering and Technology for Semester – I.
This book is strictly written according to the "New Revised Syllabs" of M.S.B.T.E. 'I' Scheme Effective from 2017.
In this book, the complete subject is explained in a lucid manner and particularly by using first angel method of projection. Lots of solved examples with procedure and figures, which include all variety of questions are inculcated in this text book.
1. Basic Elements of Drawing
2. Engineering Curves and Loci of Points
3. Orthographic Projections
4. Isometric Projections
5. Free Hand Sketches of Engineering Elements
1. Introduction to AutoCAD
2. To Start AutoCAD
3. Drawing Environment Set-UP for Auto (A1)
4. Drawing Environment Set-UP for Auto (A1)
5. Display Commands of AutoCAD
6. Editing Commands of AutoCAD
7. Area Filling Commands of AutoCAD
8. Dimensioning Commands
9. Special Commands of AutoCAD
10. Assignment – I
11. Assignment – II
12. Assignment – III
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Best book shop, l received the book in 2 days, and also staff behaviour is excellent.