Engineering Drawing (Laxmi Publications)
Practice is the most important part of Engineering Drawing. This book is completely dedicated to practice in Engineering Drawing. No doubt, the students draw the sheets in their practical classes for this purpose. But there they have to solve hard problems directly.
This is a difficult task for them when they are still learning the concept. So sometimes they tend to copy the figures rather than solving the problems themselves.The problems in this book may be solved by the students when a particular chapter is being taught in the class or during their preparation time before examinations.
This will increase their skill, understanding and confidence to a great extent. Thus, it will improve their examination results also.
1. Introduction
2. Hydraulic Cements
3. Aggregates and Water
4. Workability
5. Concrete in Plastic and Early Stage
6. Chemical Admixtures
7. Mineral Admixtures
8. rheology of Concrete
9. Strength
10. Durability
11. Concrete Mix Design
12. High-Performance Concrete
13. Self-Compacting Concrete
14. Fiber Reinforced Concrete
15. Non-Destructive Testing of Concrete
16. Additional Topics in Concrete Technology
17. Waste Materials in Concrete References
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