Engineering Chemistry (M.T.U.) by Dr. B. S. Chauhan (Laxmi Publications)

Engineering Chemistry (M.T.U.) by Dr. B. S. Chauhan (Laxmi Publications)

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Product Description

Engineering Chemistry (M.T.U.) by Dr. B. S. Chauhan (Laxmi Publications)

The present edition of the book is as per the latest syllabus of Mahamaya Technical University, Noida. The whole prescribed syllabus is divided into thirteen chapters covering all the disciplines of engineering chemistry such as inorganic, organic, synthetic, physical, applied, industrial, spectroscopic and material chemistry.

Audience of the Book :
 This book is written keeping in mind the requirement of engineering students, i.e., every aspect of a topic is dealt keeping in view its application in engineering science.
Key Features:

The main features of the book are as follows:

1. Include a simple and holistic approach with large number of illustrations and tables.

Table of Contents:

1 Advanced Theory of Chemical Bonding

2 Stereochemistry of Organic Molecules

3 Intermolecular Forces and Molecular Aggregation

4 Separation, Purification and Characterization of Materials

5 Instrumental Methods of Analysis

6 General Organic Chemistry and Reaction Mechanism

7 Chemical Kinetics and Catalysis

8 Fats, Oils, Soaps and Detergents

9 Corrosion and Electrochemical Processes

10 Water and Water Treatment

11 Polymer Chemistry

12 Miscellaneous Materials (Polymer Blends, Dendrimers, Adhesives, Composites and Lubricants

13 Experimental Chemistry

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