Cost Accounting Text and Problems (SChand Publications)

Cost Accounting Text and Problems (SChand Publications)

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Product Description

Cost Accounting Text and Problems (SChand Publications)

The objective of the textbook is to present a basic treatment of main principles of Cost Accounting with an Indian background. Therefore no doubt, some very good books on the subject are available but they are either advanced or deal with a background unfamiliar to Indian students.

The latest syllabus of various professional courses like CS, ICWA, MBA, BBA, CFA and Unified Syllabus of UGC for B.Com. and M.Com. have been taken into consideration. A separate edition for CA course is available.

Audience of the Book :

For B.Com., BBA, M.Com. and MBA.Also for CA/CS/ICWA–Inter, CFA and other Professional Courses.The present book aims to meet in full measure the requirements of students preparing for the various Commerce degree and post-degree examinations of the Indian Universities, and the candidates for the Chartered Accountants Examination, as well as the examinations of the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants.

Key Features:

The main features of the book are as follows:

  1. A large number of new problems set in latest examinations have been included. Almost all chapters have been revised, updated and re-arranged.
  2. In this edition, a large number of objective questions, short-answer numerical and short-answer theortical have been added in each chapter.
  3. A separate chapter on `Joint Product and By-Product` has been tailored out from the chapter of Process Costing.
  4. Chapter on Activity Based Costing (ABC) based on new concept on costing of overheads and a topic on Just In Time (JIT) have been included. Now the book contains about 545 most representative and examination oriented problems and illustrations.

2 Reviews

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Best book shop, l received the book in 2 days, and also staff behaviour is excellent.


Best book shop, l received the book in 2 days, and also staff behaviour is excellent.

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