Business Communication Using Computers (Nirali Prakashan)

Business Communication Using Computers (Nirali Prakashan)

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Product Description

Business Communication Using Computers (Nirali Prakashan) 2023

We are glad to present this book on “Business Communication Using Computers” for First Year Diploma Engineering (Polytechnic) student. The purpose of this book is to provide a comprehensive knowledge and insight into various aspects of “Business Communication Using Computers” (BCC- 22009). The student should understand and assimilate comprehensive treatment of this subject in simple, lucid and direct language. The book is written according to the revised “I-Scheme” syllabus prescribed by Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai.

The IT revolution and globalization have brought the concept of business communication to the forefront of academia and industry. Communication has become an integral part of business. It is essential to develop ethics and etiquettes of business communication as per industry requirements. The diploma engineers need to be equipped with these skills to face the challenges of industry. The Business Communication Using Computers (BCC-22009) book is developed to achieve the competency to ‘communicate effectively to fulfill business requirements’.

Audience of the Book :
This book Useful for Diploma Students.
Table of Contents:

1. Introduction to Business Communication

2. Non-verbal Communication and Body Language

3. Presentation Skills

4. Office Drafting

5. Business Correspondence

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