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Product Description
BIOLOGY Simplified NCERT Class 12
Author:Dr. Dileep Gangwar
Source Code:C961
No of Pages:225
1. Comprises of well elaborated 16 Chapters. 2. comprehend theories with full clarity 3. reinforces the ability to answer the concept – based problems 4. highly approachable that helps to gain mastery over the subject 5. Includes new pattern and syllabus The study of NCERT helps students greatly in various competitive and entrance exams. For prestigious IIT JEE and NEET, NCERT books are all you need to strengthen the fundamentals of the subjects. But students often face problem in understanding the concepts which is why they fail to succeed. To facilitate an easy learning, Doctor Dilip Gangwar who is known throughout the country for his ‘Art of Teaching Biology’ conceived an idea of bringing out a comprehensive book written in a highly simplistic manner and supported by all the possible elements to enhance the conceptual clarity. Biology Simplified NCERT for class XII is a newly designed book by him which is based on the latest exam pattern and syllabus of NEET UG/AIIMS. It has 16 chapters written in an easy-to-digest manner which qualifies aspirants to comprehend theories with full clarity and reinforces their ability to answer the concept- based problems intellectually. Aimed at easing the study level of NCERT, this book is highly approachable and ensures to help you gain mastery over the subject.