This book Basic Mechanical Engineering, now in its second edition, continues to provide all essential features of the first edition, i.e.
it contains nine chapters in all and provides a large number of solved and unsolved problems and exercises. In this edition, new topics such as Ideal Gas Laws- Characteristic Gas Equation, Avogadro's Hypothesis, Joule's Law, Specific Heat of Gases, Dimensions and Units and Heat Flow through Composite Wall- Composite Plane Wall with Convective Boundaries and Composite Plane Wall with Series and Parallel Resistances have been added. Besides, several new solved examples have been included in each chapter.
It also incorporates solved questions asked in 2013 university examination. (A Textbook for B.E./B.Tech. Students of Himachal Pradesh Technical University, Hamirpur. Also Useful for B.E./B.Tech. Students of Other Indian Universities)
1. Basic Concepts
2. First Law Of Thermodynamics
3. Applications Of First Law Of Thermodynamics
4. Second Law Of Thermodynamics
5. Properties Of Steam
6. Gas Power Cycles
7. Introduction To Psychrometry
8. Introduction To Heat Transfer
9. Introduction To Fluid Mechanics Appendix–A : Solved Questions From Previous Years University Examinations
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