Basic Mechanical Engineering (Laxmi Publications)

Basic Mechanical Engineering (Laxmi Publications)

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Product Description

Basic Mechanical Engineering (Laxmi Publications)

Basic Mechanical Engineering has been written for the first year students (all branches) of BE Degree course of RGPV Bhopal affiliated Engineering Institutes. It meets the syllabus requirements of ?Basic Mechanical Engineering?. A number of illustrations have been used to explain and clarify the subject matter, objective type questions have been provided at the end of each chapter to help the students to quickly review the concepts. Glossary of some useful engineering terms has also been provided at the end of the chapters to clarify the meaning of the terms used in the chapters. A chapter titled ?The Basic Concepts and Important Definitions used in Thermody-namics? has been incorporated in the book so as to provide better insight of the units of Heat Engines (Boiler, Properties of Steam and Steam Engine).

Audience of the Book :
This book Useful for Mechanical Engineering.
Table of Contents:

1.    Materials of Construction
2.    Foundry Practice
3.    Measurement and Measuring Tools
4.    Welding Practice
5.    Machine Tools
6.    Basics Concepts and Important Definitions used in Thermodynamics
7.    Properties of Steam (Properties of Substance)
8.    Boilers
9.    Steam Engine
10.  Internal Combustion Engines
Steam Tables

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