Accountancy Class 12 Volume I CBSE (V K Publications)

Accountancy Class 12 Volume I CBSE (V K Publications)

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Product Description

Accountancy Class 12 Volume- I CBSE for 2020 (V.K. Publications) 2024

Contents Part- A volume- I (accounting for not-for-profit organisations and Partnership Firms) 1. Financial statements of not-for-profit organisations 2. Accounting for Partnership Firms- fundamentals 3. Change in Profit- sharing Ratio among existing partners 4. Reconstitution of Partnership- admission of a Partner 5. Retirement and death of partner 6. Dissolution of a Partnership Firm br>volume-ii (accounting for companies) 7. Issue and Forfeiture of shares 8. Issue of Debentures 9. Redemption of Debentures.
1. Overview at the beginning of each chapter presents the basic structure major topics covered and the central idea of the subject matter at hand.

2. The Must Practice section of each chapter provides ready practice through Previous Years’ solved CBSE Board Problems.

3. Questions with Incomplete Information/Missing Figures provide the ability to hypothesize a constrained range of figures and/or entries for the missing items. These are incorporated in accordance with the revised examination pattern.

4. Assess Yourself is the range of exercises at the end of each chapter. It constitutes a typology of questions comprising remembering, understanding, and application-based questions.

5. A variety of MCQs has been incorporated in each chapter in accordance with the revised examination pattern.

6. A section 'Competency Focused Questions' comprises MCQs, AssertionReasons, and Case-based questions in each chapter.

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